Strecks simplifies form validation by providing an extensible framework for adding validation annotations. An example of a vanilla Struts form is shown below:
* Plain Struts form with validation code
public class HolidayBookingForm extends ActionForm
private String entryId;
private String title;
private String startDate;
private String days;
private boolean editMode;
//form getters and setters omitted
public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request)
ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
// TODO validate days (positive integer), date (format),
// and title (not exceeding max length)
boolean hasError = false;
if (title == null)
ActionMessage error = new ActionMessage("Title cannot be null", false);
errors.add("title", error);
hasError = true;
if (days == null)
ActionMessage error = new ActionMessage("Days cannot be null", false);
errors.add("days", error);
hasError = true;
if (!GenericValidator.isInt(days))
ActionMessage error = new ActionMessage("Days must be number", false);
errors.add("days", error);
hasError = true;
if (startDate == null)
ActionMessage error = new ActionMessage("Start date cannot be null", false);
errors.add("startDate", error);
hasError = true;
if (!GenericValidator.isDate(startDate, "yyyy-MM-dd", false))
ActionMessage error = new ActionMessage(
"Start date must be a date in yyyy-MM-dd", false);
errors.add("startDate", error);
hasError = true;
if (!hasError)
return null;
return errors;
Programmatic validation as above is fairly tedious. An XML-based declarative framework is available from Struts
in the form of the Commons Validator.
Strecks offers an alternative approach, allowing validations to be placed in annotations within the ActionForm
* Strecks form with validation annotations
public class HolidayBookingForm extends ValidBindingForm
private String title;
private String startDate;
private String days;
private HolidayBooking booking;
@ValidateRequired(order = 1, key = "holidaybookingform.title.null")
public void setTitle(String title)
this.title = title;
@ValidateRequired(order = 2, key = "")
@ValidateDate(key = "")
public void setStartDate(String startDate)
this.startDate = startDate;
@ValidateRequired(order = 3, key = "holidaybookingform.days.null")
@ValidateInteger(key = "holidaybookingform.days.number")
public void setDays(String days)
this.days = days;
//form setters with bind and conversion annotations omitted